Translation Management Systems

Your Window into the Translation Process

Integrating Technology and Translation

A Translation Management System is your window into the translation process, enabling project management and smooth communication between the participating parties.

These systems include the centralized management of the following elements:

  • Translation memories
  • Terminology databases
  • Ongoing costs, projects and workloads.
graphic of man connected to various documents
graphic icon of document going to different computers

Saving Money with Translation Memory

Our Translation Management System incorporates a CAT tool, offering a comprehensive environment for translation project management. 

Translation Management Systems permit real-time access to the translation project resources and all related information, thus increasing the efficiency of the translation services and providing a monitoring mechanism for the client through a our collaborative workflow platform LinguaHub. 

Automating Your Translation Savings

MondragonLingua is your home for professional translation services
+ 1 201 343 0015

Humanity At Work​

Call us and tell us about your needs and we will find the solution best suited to you.

+1 201 343 0015

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